About our retreats
The creation of It’s a Girl Thing Weekend Retreat came to me through many-a-group participant expressing a desire for “more.“ More group time, more activity, more bonding with each other. During the weekend, your daughter will engage in team building activities, group discussions, yoga, dance, and other forms of movement to enhance body integrity, art work, free time, guided meditation, journaling &/or poetry.
What I truly aim to teach through this experience is that actually, less is more. The goal is to teach and encourage your teen how to relax, practice self-care, enjoy “down” time and have fun without the aid of television, the internet, cel phones, video games, drugs or alcohol. To appreciate the quiet beauty of nature. To look within, before seeking the external answers.
The Retreat is held in New Paltz, NY. The location allows us the flexibility to meet in large or small groups, the opportunity to be a bit messy with our expressive art projects, to be a bit loud, should we feel the need to dance, a hot-tub for relaxing during down time, and a pool for a moonlight swim. The staff is well-seasoned and phenomenal in providing endless TLC to participants. The cuisine is vegetarian, simply with the intention of encouraging young women to be more conscious about healthy food choices. This ain’t no summer camp, no hot dogs and paper plates here!